Home > Blog > GMF Board Delivers New Mom Baskets to Support New Mothers at the Lennon Pregnancy Center

Today was delivery day at the Lennon Pregnancy Center! It was so great to finally see our friend Marianne at the The Lennon Pregnancy Center today after months of social distancing. Our New Mom Baskets are definitely going to make a difference!

Each month, GMF provides New Mom Baskets to local organizations and shelters to support new Moms and their babies. One of those organizations we work very closely with is the Lennon Pregnancy Center located in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. New Moms who visit the center for a free pregnancy test or to receive a free ultra sound, will be given a GMF New Mom Basket. Each basket entails a variety of necessities such as slippers, robes, postpartum tea, fuzzy pink socks for Mom, newborn mittens, newborn socks, nipple cream, breast pads, hemorrhoid pads, swaddle blankets, diapers, wipes, and a cloth storage bin for parenting supplies.

The center offers free education, diapers, wipes, baby clothes, pregnancy tests, counseling, and ultra sounds to women in Dearborn, Michigan as well as the surrounding areas. The center works around the clock to make sure women in the community have the support they need to stay healthy, both mentally and physically when it comes to female health, the birth process and parenting.

We’ve had an OVERWHELMING amount of support over the last couple months regarding donations and for that we thank you! Our New Mom Baskets are each worth $100 -$150 and are donated to provide good health, safety, and comfort for both the Moms and babies they are delivered to.