GMF Support Her Campaign Offers FREE Disposable Menstrual Products to Women & Teens
Did you know? The first menstrual pads hit the market in 1896. Today, disposable menstrual products are a multi-billion dollar business in the United States. On average, each box of pads or tampons in the quantity of 50 costs around $9.00 and the average woman uses close to 17,000 of them in her lifetime. Because of these high prices and taxed products, displaced women and teens have to choose between purchasing disposable menstrual products and food. The necessities are usually not purchased. Without these products, women may suffer from illness due to tract infections and cervical cancer, which can be deadly.

The financial burden of menstruation is one you can help us relieve by donating new boxes of tampons and/or maxi pads (all sizes) during the month of March in honor of Women’s History Month. We aim to reduce menstrual stigma and increase access to products throughout the state for displaced women and teens.
*Drop -off locations will be announced soon. Products (new only) also (at any time) can be mailed to:
Glamorous Moms Foundation, 511 Old Towne Rd. #80065, Rochester, Mi 48308-0065