Glamorous Moms Foundation Peer-to-Peer Virtual Support Groups
GMF will now offer Six Week Peer-to-Peer Virtual Support Groups for women with women, via Zoom. Those interested must fill out the form located on our Contact Us page here on the website or by emailing GMF President, Shannon Lazovski at [email protected].
Once registration is complete, private Zoom links will be shared via email. Registrants will then also have the option to connect via our private FB Group page. After the six weeks, conversations and relationships can remain consistent on the private FB Group page until the next virtual schedule is released. The FB Group is only for those interested in staying connected online and is an option. Participation in the FB group is not mandatory in order to attend the virtual support sessions.
Glamorous Moms Foundation Six Week Peer-to-Peer Virtual Support Groups
- All Things Motherhood
- Mondays – 5:00pm – 6:00pm
- Life Skills for Women
- Tuesdays – 6:30pm – 7:30pm
- Surviving Domestic Violence & Abuse
- Wednesdays – 12:30pm-1:30pm.
- Moms w/ Children w/ ADD & ADHD
- Wednesdays – 5:00pm – 6:00pm
- Women’s Health
- Thursdays – 6:30pm – 7:30pm
The Glamorous Moms Foundation’s 6 Week Peer-to-Peer Virtual Support Groups are structured as “Self-Help” groups and are organized and managed by members only who sign up online. The moderators are known as “peers”. Peer facilitators are those who have actually lived (or are living) the experience being addressed by the group. Facilitators are those who are open about their experiences and use their personal stories and experiences to connect with group members on a personal level.
The benefit of our virtual support sessions is to offer comradery and beneficial, informational support to create a non-judgmental atmosphere for women to express their feelings, stories, and questions with others who can relate.
“Self-help” groups are not the same as “group therapy”. In peer support groups, all members maintain mutually. This holds true even for members of the group who may hold a “license” or formal credentials. All GMF groups will be an “open forum” allowing guests to “drop in”. Discussions will be led by the group moderator – a fellow mom – but discussions will be fueled by the needs, purpose, and interests of the group members of that particular meeting. dates with the asterisk above will have a guest speaker lead the discussion.
If professional help is needed, we encourage you to call the following organizations and phone numbers:
- Immediate Danger or Emergency – Call 911.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Call 800-273-8255.
- Emergency Shelter – Turning Point – 586-463-6990.
- Forensic Nurse Examiner & First Response Advocacy – Turning Point:
- Personal Protection Order (586) 469-7494
- Legal Advocacy (586) 465-9161
- Trauma Advocacy and Professional Counseling:
- Turning Point – 586-463-4430
- Positive Self Center – 248-579-9345