We simply can’t do what we do without you!
With your support we can do the following:
- Create smiles and happy moments for expectant mothers.
- Provide life essentials & educational toys for school children and teens.
- Provide life essentials necessary for women, new mothers, and infants to help them lead happy healthy lives.
- Provide necessities and support to women and expectant mothers currently suffering from, or rebuilding their lives from; poverty, illness, domestic violence & abuse, homelessness, and human trafficking.
- Provide services and supplies to partnering nonprofit organizations with the same vision and mission as GMF.
- Feed the homeless and families suffering from life-altering events.
- Provide blankets to the homeless during Michigan’s winter months.
- Provide feminine hygiene products to teen girls and women living in vulnerable situations.
- Provide peer-to-peer virtual support groups/sessions for women which include but are not limited to supportive discussions, guidance, education, and life skills.